Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17th, 2014

Hello everybody I hope you all had a great week! tHis week was atually a great week, and I am ver happy to be hear in CAchoeira for a few more weeks! Elder h. silva is still my companion, and I am super happy about it because he is a super super great comp.

This week we had a cool experience! A few actually! BUt first, remember when we went to the hospital for my pneumonia? tHe doctor that helped us that day was super cool and we happened to pass by his house a few days ago to teach him. TUrns out he is really really humble guy. HE is super rich, his family established the lUtheran church here in CAchoeira, but he accpeted our lesson. And turns out that he met the missionaries a long time ago in pOrto Alegre, and they gave him a book of Mormon, which he read all the way through. aNd he really believes that it is true! it was so awesome. HE even accepted a baptismal date! JUst think, he had every excuse to say why he couldnt accept it and why he shouldnt join another church, but he accpeted our invitation to experiment! THat is going to make all the difference for him!

Also we have that couple, Junior and Daniela, that are doing super well.DAnila read the book of mormon, and recieved an answer that it really is true, and she wants to be baptised! The only problem is that they need to be legally married first, but they both want to so I am not worried about that! i am very excited for them! They made us churrasco this weekend, and it was super fun. tHey are just great great people.

BUt yeah those were the highlights of this week, there werent too many highlights, but it was a good week. I love you all so much! i am happy and working hard. i miss you guess! jUst a few more weeks for me to be able to talk to you guys! pretty cool huh! aNd then just 10 more weeks to see you guys in person! BUt yeah! ANyways,sorry for the errors... the keyboard isnt the best that i am using... i love you all!

November 10th, 2014

Hey everybody so this week was just a really great week. Wow. I loveeee this area there are so many miracles that are happeneing. Some really cool stuff happened! First of all, today was transfer day, but I will stay here with Elder H. Silva in Cachoeira! I am super excited, we are seeing some big miracles here. And my comp is one of my favorites, so it should be cool! Im happy.

Also, Im not sick anymore, I got better, actually it was a huge blessing that we found out before it got worse, because I got it treated and only lost 2 days of work. But this week I worked all week and felt fine, so there are no worries there!

Anyways first order of business! The baptism of João Pedro, and Elaine!! Wow it was so special. I love them so much. It was such a great experience because they were two people that when we met them, they said they had very little faith in Christ, and didn´t believe very much. And for the first few months they didnt believe. What made all the difference is that they were willing to try. Even though they didnt believe, they read the book of Mormon. Even though they didnt believe, they prayed. Even though they didnt believe, they kept the word of Wisdom. And then, AFTER the trial of their faith, they were blessed with a testimony, and that made all the difference. Its exactly what it says in Alma 32!

So the batpism was great, I baptized Elaine, and Elder H. Silva baptized João Pedro. Very cool. The Lord is really blessing us here. I understand that these miracles are not happening because of me, but really the Lord is helping us here in the little city.

This week a cool little experience happened! So we have this richer part of our area that we dont work in normally because there is nobody home in the afternoon, because everyone is at work, but this week we decided to give it a shot. The first day we ended up walking in the sun for like 4 hours without going inside one house, but we were able to get some adresses to visit. But then a few days after we tried to visit the people that we met on the first day, and nobody let us in again. SO then we tried one more time on Saturaday because we just knew that somebody would let us in! So we tried again. Then on the last door, finally somebody was home and let us in! And turns out, the dad of the family is a member of the church that is less active because he worked alot and slowly left the church, but still has a testimony. The mom, is from Fortaleza (a city in the north of Brasil) and they were talking this week about finding a church to follow. The dad had mentioned our church, and then a few days later we arrived! Very cool! The mom, Daniela, never heard from the misisonaries, and loved our visit. And she is so humble and will definately get an answer. It was a great experience.

Anyways I love being a missionary. I love being here. I love my misison. It will officially end on the 28th of January. Its crazy, but I am excited too.

Congrats on the deer, it looks like you guiys had lots of fun on the hunt! I hope everybody at home is happy! I love you all! Have a great week!

November 3rd, 2014

Hello everybody so all I can really say is that here in Cachoeira we are being so blessed and God is really hearing our prayers. Miracles are happening every single day, it is so amazing. I am so happy here in Cachoeira. I dont want to leave! We talked to President and he said that I will probably stay here until Dezember, so it should be good:)

So one big thing that happened this week is that I got pneumonia! Tuesday I was feeling super tired, and then Wednesday, I was super tired, with a fever, and coughing a bunch, and so on Thursday we went to the Hopsital and they gave me an Xray of my lungs and sadi I have penumonia. But it is smal, and just in one lung, and hasnt spread, so Ill be alright! I dont feel toooooo sick. They gave me a bunch of medicine to take, and Ill get better soon. It was kinda funny because we went to the hosiptal and they sat me down and gave me some medicine right in my vein, and it WAS THE WORST!!!! It hurt sooo much! But after I felt better, and I havent had a fever since they gave me that medicine. I just hate shots.

But anyways now for the miracles. So this last week we did a family night with Elaine and João Pedro, and also Tiago (the one that I told you about last week) and we decided to talk about the Holy Ghost and we shared a video called "patterns of light" by Elder Bednar. The video talks about how we can recognize revelation, something that has been really hard for João Pedro and Elaine. They have been investigating the church and going to church every Sunday for the last 3 months, but they havent felt that spiritual confirmation. Anyways we shared that video and asked them afterwards how they were feeling, and in that moment Elaine said something interesting.... "I would like to be baptized" Wow!!! It was amazing, and such a great experience. We went and talked to her yesterday, and she would like to be batpized THIS SATURDAY!!! Its is such a huge blessing! Something changed in her, and she felt the Holy Ghost confirm that these things are true! It was so special. So her and her son, João Pedro, will be baptized on Saturday!

So that was great. Anyways Tiago, was at that family night too, and he had a baptismal date for last Saturday, and he wasnt feeling super prepared, but that night that we shared the video the Spirit was super strong. And when Elaine shared that she would like to be baptized he said, "before I wasnt sure if these things were true, but now I know they are. I would like to be baptized this Saturday!" And so he was! We baptized him on Saturday and it was really great.

Really, the Lord is hearing our prayers. I think the biggest miracles of all was that we prayed and fasted espificically that João Pedro and Elaine would feel the Holy Ghost and that they woul tell us that they wanted to be batpized. We asked exactly for this, and it happened exactly as we asked. It was a great miracle.

But yeah, other than that the week wasnt too crazy, I stayed at home a few days because of the sickness, and I realized it stinks so much to stay at home. On Halloween I trued making jello worms with straws... but it didnt work, it was an epic failure. But tis okay!

I loved seeing your costumes and everything, I hope you had a great Holiday! Just a little more and I will be able to celebrate holidays with you! I love you all so much, I hope you ahve a great week!!