Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17th, 2014

Hello everybody I hope you all had a great week! tHis week was atually a great week, and I am ver happy to be hear in CAchoeira for a few more weeks! Elder h. silva is still my companion, and I am super happy about it because he is a super super great comp.

This week we had a cool experience! A few actually! BUt first, remember when we went to the hospital for my pneumonia? tHe doctor that helped us that day was super cool and we happened to pass by his house a few days ago to teach him. TUrns out he is really really humble guy. HE is super rich, his family established the lUtheran church here in CAchoeira, but he accpeted our lesson. And turns out that he met the missionaries a long time ago in pOrto Alegre, and they gave him a book of Mormon, which he read all the way through. aNd he really believes that it is true! it was so awesome. HE even accepted a baptismal date! JUst think, he had every excuse to say why he couldnt accept it and why he shouldnt join another church, but he accpeted our invitation to experiment! THat is going to make all the difference for him!

Also we have that couple, Junior and Daniela, that are doing super well.DAnila read the book of mormon, and recieved an answer that it really is true, and she wants to be baptised! The only problem is that they need to be legally married first, but they both want to so I am not worried about that! i am very excited for them! They made us churrasco this weekend, and it was super fun. tHey are just great great people.

BUt yeah those were the highlights of this week, there werent too many highlights, but it was a good week. I love you all so much! i am happy and working hard. i miss you guess! jUst a few more weeks for me to be able to talk to you guys! pretty cool huh! aNd then just 10 more weeks to see you guys in person! BUt yeah! ANyways,sorry for the errors... the keyboard isnt the best that i am using... i love you all!

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