Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Mais uma semana no Frio Grande do Sul!

Hello! So this week was very Very cold! I never knew it could get so cold! Here in Pelotas it is the 2nd most humid city in the world (Dont know if thats true but thats what everybody says) and so when it gets cold it gets COLD!!! But then when it gets hot, it gets really hot! There is like no middle ground! Anyways yes it snowed in some cities here in Rio Grande do Sul but not here! Thank goodness!

So first of all. Taco!!! Haha he is afraid of black people!!! HAHAHAHA I pretty much died laughing! What a crazy dog... He always has something weird going on... But yeah... I miss him. Scouty too! But I got some letters from you in the mail this week with the Big Foot air freshener and the stickers! I was hoping that he was Big Foot scented but Pine scent is good too haha! I thought it was hilarious thank you! I got a good laugh from the stickers too! Thank you!

Connor congratulations with Volleyball thats so cool! I cant wait to here how you do during the school season and whatnot! Congratulations! Carson I hope school is going good! You are going to be pro at piano when I come home! But yeah! Jonathan, I hope your snout is well groomed. 

So my week was really good, and some really cool things happened. We have been working with this family Arlete and Vilmar, and they are super awesome. They attended church for one year in a different ward without being baptized becasue they feel like they arent prepared. We have been working with them alot and helping them resolve the doubts that they have and they are progressing alot! They are so awesome and know that the church is true they are just nervous to make that step in their life. 

RICARDO RECIEVED AN ANSWER!!! So Ricardo, the guri that we were teaching has been praying and reading the book of Mormon, trying to find out if it is true. And he has told us that he still hasnt recieved an answer, but that it has to come eventually. The Book of Mormon makes a promise that everybody that reads and prays with faith will recieve an answer and so we knew that he would, but for the whole week he didnt recieve an answer. 

Anyways, we were talking with him yesterday before church and he said that his step dad, this big scary looking drug addict, that beats Ricardos mom and is just full of problems, said something to him. He said, "Ricardo I think its really good that you are reading and going to church. I think its really good of you" Something that he would never say in a million years! Ricardo recognized that as his answer. BUT! Heres where it gets crazy.

We watched a talk with Presdent Eyring that said missionarios work under apostolic keys, and if we speak a prompting of the spirit it is as good as scripture, and it will be done. When we taught Ricardo we promised him, that the more he read the scriptures and searched for an answer, things with his family and stepdad would improve. Wow. What a miracle huh? So he decided he wants to be baptized on Sunday! So cool! I cant wait!

Anyways thats my week! We are famous here in Capão, they put our picture in the newspaper! Also there is talk about starting a branch here, not just a group!

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