Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 10th, 2014

Olá todo mundo! This week was awesome!!!! Wow it was so awesome!!! Haha so I hope you are all doing well, and happy valentines day this week!! Connor I hope that you are feeling better! Thata some scary stuff I have been praying for you a lot! And Jonathan, its good to hear that your band is doing well! Anyways I got alot to say so yeah, here it goes.

We continued in our effort in the Guabiroba this week knocking on doors and trying to find new people. We found an awesome family thats names are Zalmira, Valdo, and Diego, and they are super awesome! We taught them two times this week and the first time they liked the lesson and the second time it actually appeared that they didnt want to continue meeting with us at firrst. But we just talked for a long time and we asked questions and listened to how they felt, and the spirit was so strong and I felt like the Spirit was telling me what to say and what to ask. And at the end they seemed alot more interested, and promisd they would visit the church next sunday! They are super awesome!

Also we are teaching a lady named Regina who during the first lesson didnt really seem super interested either. But then on friday, during the lesson she started to tear up and said that she wanted to follow. The lesson was about the Book of Mormon and how raelly it can be such a blessing for our life. She came to church yesterday and loved it so much! I really didnt expect her to have such a strong desire, but she realy wants to follow, so I am very excited to help her!

And last night we went to Kaiser and Aline, that are two people that are investigating the church for a really long time. They arent very realigious and have alot of questions. Normally we jsut talk to Kaiser, but yesterday Aline was there too and started talking about alot of questions that she has. That are actually really good questions... But I felt the spirit really strongly tell me, "talk about the book of mormon" And I spoke and bore my testimony, and she accepted to read it. I told her that inside wont have all the answers, but when you know its true, you will be able to use your faith to have the patience with the unanswered questions. I love being a missionary. It was suh a great experince. I love being a representative of Christ.

So yeah this week, I have just been loving being a missionary because the spirit has been so strong .I really feel like I am growing spiritually and I am so grateul for this mission! I miss you all so much, but Brasil needs mee!! Anyways I love you all!!!

These pictures are with a member of the ward, Irmã Ada! She is so awesome, but was going on vacation and so to say goodbye we made TACOOOOOSSSS!!! THEY WERE GREAT, I MADE THE TORTILLAS AND EVERYTHING:)

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