Anyways this week was super busy and my legs are deaddd! Partially because my shoes are ruined.... Im pretty sure this is like my 5th pair... its just Brasilian shoes were not made for missionaries! This Tuesday we ended up going to Caçapava do Sul, a city that is about 2 hours away from Cachoeira. We went to do divisions witht the district leader that works in Caçapava. It was pretty cool, but every time I do divisions I feel like I am away from home, and then when I go to my area again I feel like I am back home.
This week we talked to Tiago about his baptism that would have been on Friday, but he wasnt feeling ready, and his mom wasnt superrrr happy about it, so we talked to them and marked it or this coming Saturday! It should be pretty cool!
This week as you can tell in the title of this email was the batism of Maicon and Andresa! It was such a great experience! They are super firm and have a huge testimony. Seeing them baptised was just such a spiritual experience. Elder H Silva batpized Maican and I bapized Andresa, and it was so great. There were a bunch of members at the baptism! And Maicon and Andresa are just funny outgoing people and already ahve a bunch of frienships in the branch!
But yeah, So this week was great, and I am happy. I am amazed that the time is passing so fast. Its crazy to think about school and whatnot. And I am excited to see everybody again. I still dont know for sure my release date, but it is that week of the 27th I just dont know if it is Monday Tuesday or Wedensday. But its one of those days!
But yeah, I love you all! Have a wonderful week!!!!
Picture of the baptism and the other one is a family night that we did with a family in the branch!