Hello everybody, gooooood morning here from Brasil! I hope you had a very great Thanksgiving, and hope you all remembered how thankful I am for all of you! This week on Thanksgiving I was in Porto Alegre for a conference of Zone Leaders, and then the day after was a misison tour with Elder Moroni Torgan of the seventy! We decdided to get Thanksgiving lunch at a restauraunt in the center of Porto Alegre, nothing too fancy, but it was good. Instead of Turkey I ate a bunch of carne:)
So anyways how the misison tour works is that every once in a while, a general authority goes to the mision to evaluate the work that is happening and how it can improve, and so on Thursday we had a conference with all the Zone leaders on the mission, and we had a meeting with him. I am so grateful for leaders that are so inspired and give so much to the Lord. Really that conference made me think alot about my work, and what I can do to improve. Its crazy that the more I improve, the more I realize how many weaknesses I have!
Then on Friday we had a confrence with Elder Torgan, and about half of the other misisonaries here in the mission, and it was really great. He talked alot about revelation and how we need to have personal revelation for our misison and for our own lives. He explained how we cn recongize revelation and it was a great expereicen that I am never going to forget.
And then we got back here to Cachoeira Friday night, and we were so excited to be able to work this week, and we were so full of faith that we would be able to find people that are ready to be baptized this next week. We ended up talking to a member Rosiara and she told us that her nephew who has nine years wanted to be baptized, and has gone to church a bunch of times! I actually already knew him (his name is Felipe) but I htought he was a member! So we talked to Felipe, his mom, and he wants to be batpized thios week! It will be super special!
Then the next week we are planning on having another bap´tism of a young man named Vangli. He is super cool, he is 21, and has been wanting to be baptized for a while, but things keep on coming up that are getting in the way of the baptism. We are going to have to work hard to make sure he can be baptized this coming week!
There is so much cool stuff happening here in Cachoeira do Sul! Its great here in this city. I lovvvvve being a misisonary! But for my last trasnfer I think President is going to transfer me from here sadly. The trasnfer is in two weeks, and its sad because I dont want to change my comp, but if I stayed in the same area we would both end our misison at the same time, and two new misisonaries would have to come into this area and yeah... it wouldnt be so great for the work. So, I proabably will leave the area on the 16th.
But yeah. I hope you all had a great week, I love you all so much! Happy first of Dezember!!!!!!
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